In a devastating turn of events, an RCCG parish in Ogun State fell victim to an armed attack on Saturday, leaving a pastor dead and seven worshippers abducted. The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting a swift response from local authorities.

Confirming the incident, the Ogun State So-Safe Corps Commander, Soji Ganzallo, revealed that his officers took immediate action, successfully rescuing the seven abducted church members while also managing to neutralize one of the kidnappers during a courageous rescue operation.

According to a statement released by the So-Safe Director of Information and Public Relations, Moruf Yusuf, the distressing incident unfolded around midnight on Saturday, July 1.

Ganzallo explained, “Upon receiving a distress call, the special operation team of the Corps, Owode-Egba Zonal Command, led by ACC Jimoh Rasaki Omoniyi, swiftly responded to an attack on the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Desires of Nations Parish, located in Ogun Province 22, Abule-Ori, Obafemi Owode Local Government Area. Tragically, during a vigil, the assailants targeted the church, resulting in the kidnapping of seven innocent members and the untimely death of the pastor.”

The So-Safe Corps wasted no time in launching a determined effort to track down the perpetrators and ensure the safe return of the abducted individuals. Ganzallo emphasized, “Our officers exhibited exceptional bravery and dedication to duty, undertaking a rapid and meticulous operation.”

The resolute actions of the Corps yielded positive outcomes, as Ganzallo revealed, “Thanks to our relentless pursuit, the seven victims were successfully rescued unharmed, and one of the kidnappers was neutralized during an intense exchange of gunfire. Regrettably, several other suspects sustained significant injuries.”

Undeterred by the successful rescue, a joint team comprising the police and the So-Safe Corps has been mobilized to pursue the remaining fleeing kidnappers, aiming to bring them to justice and prevent further harm to the community.

Ganzallo emphasized the commitment of the authorities, stating, “We are fully dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of the residents. The deceased kidnapper’s body has been transferred to a nearby morgue for further investigation and necessary procedures.”

This distressing incident serves as a grim reminder of the challenges faced in maintaining security and protecting the sanctity of places of worship. The community remains in shock as they mourn the loss of the pastor and await the safe return of the abducted church members.

As investigations continue and efforts to apprehend the remaining perpetrators intensify, the authorities and community leaders are determined to prevent such incidents from recurring, prioritizing the safety and well-being of the residents.

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