Karma is the law of cause and effect that determines our destiny and well-being. It is shaped by our thoughts, words, and actions, as well as our interactions with others. The environment in which we live also has an impact on our karma, as we are affected by it and influence it by our presence.

How people affect our karma

How people affect our karma

Human beings are not only beings with whom we communicate and collaborate, but also sources of information, energy and emotions. Each person has his own unique aura, which reflects his character, condition and level of development. An aura is an energy field that surrounds each person and interacts with other auras. It can be bright or dull, clean or dirty, harmonious or disharmonious.

When we communicate with other people, we exchange information, energy, and emotions. This can be beneficial or harmful to our karma, depending on what is being passed on to us. If we communicate with positive, kind and wise people, we receive positive information, energy and emotions from them that cheer us up, improve health and contribute to our development. When dealing with negative ones, everything is exactly the opposite.

How the environment can spoil our karma

How the environment can spoil our karma

The environment is not only the physical space in which we live, but also social, cultural and spiritual. It also has its own aura, which is made up of the auras of all people, animals, plants and objects in it. The environment can be favorable or unfavorable for our karma, depending on what effect it has on us and how we affect it.

Auspicious is where harmony, love, peace and justice reign. In it, we feel comfortable, safe and happy. We easily find friends, partners and like-minded people, get support, respect and recognition. We have the opportunity to realize our talents, interests and goals, live in accordance with our values, beliefs and principles, do good and receive good.

An unfavorable environment is one in which chaos, hatred and injustice reign. There we find it difficult to find friends, partners and like-minded people. We face opposition, contempt and rejection, we do not have the opportunity to realize our talents, interests and goals. We do evil and receive evil. And it is in this environment that we create bad karma.

To choose actively means to act in accordance with your decision: to change your place of residence, work, study, hobbies, social circle, etc. In other words, to seek and create favorable conditions for your existence and development. To choose the environment passively means to endure and adapt to unfavorable conditions for one’s existence and development, to be afraid of change and to resist it. Self-reliance means relying on your intuition, logic and experience.

That is, to listen to your heart, mind and soul, to take into account your feelings, thoughts and desires, to be responsible for your choice and its consequences. Choosing an environment under the influence of others means relying on someone else’s intuition, logic and experience and being dependent on someone else’s choice and its consequences.

How to change the environment

How to change the environment

This is not only an opportunity, but also a necessity. We live in a dynamic world that is constantly changing under the influence of various factors: natural, technological, social, cultural and spiritual. We also change ourselves: physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Therefore, they must maintain harmony between themselves and the environment, adapting to new conditions or creating new conditions.

You can also change it in different ways: Radically.

  • Make drastic and drastic changes in your life:
  • move to another country or continent,
  • change your profession or field of activity,
  • break off old or start new relationships, etc.

This approach can be useful for those who want to start from scratch or get rid of old problems.

Gradually. It provides for mild and moderate changes in life: move to another city or district, change specialization or direction of activity, adjust old or develop new relationships, etc. Wholly. It means changing all aspects of your environment: physical, social, cultural and spiritual.

This option can be useful for those who want to completely change their lives or realize their dreams. Partly. It means changing only some aspects of one’s environment (physical, social, cultural or spiritual). The method is suitable for those who want to improve their lives or achieve their goal.

How to protect yourself from negativity

How to protect yourself from negativity

To protect oneself from the negative influence of the environment is not only a right, but also an obligation. We can’t control all the factors that affect our environment, but we can track our reactions to them. We cannot avoid all the problems that our environment creates, but we can protect ourselves from their aggravation or recurrence. We cannot change all the people who spoil our environment, but we can reconsider our communication with them.

You can also defend yourself in different ways: prevent the emergence or spread of negative factors in our environment;

  • avoid dangerous places, situations and people;
  • maintain a healthy lifestyle; develop positive thinking;
  • restore impaired health;
  • correct negative thinking;
  • wear amulets, talismans, crystals;
  • unite with like-minded people, friends, partners, etc.

How to improve the environment

How to improve the environment

This is not only a desire, but also our duty. We not only receive from our environment, but also give to it, not only live in it, but also create it. Therefore, we must make it cleaner, more beautiful and happier: improve the physical conditions of our environment: clean, decorate, ennoble, etc. to modernize the energy conditions of our environment: fill, illuminate, harmonize, etc.; to change the world with kind words and deeds.

Why Improve Your Karma

Why Improve Your Karma

This is not only the goal, but also the meaning. We not only create it, but also live it, not only influence our karma, but are also responsible for it. Therefore, we must make our karma better, purer, stronger and happier. Improve it, cleansing, getting rid of negative aspects, consequences, obstacles.Strengthen its positive aspects, correct your karma: its mistakes, shortcomings, weaknesses, etc.


Karma and environment are two important factors that determine our lives and our world. Karma gives us back what we do. The environment is the environment in which we live and act. They are interconnected and influence each other. And it is important that they coexist harmoniously.

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