We take you through the list of Turkish stars who have twins and twins and with the age of some. Believe me, not only Serkan Chayoglu and his brother were on our list 😉

It would be cool if every handsome actor or actress had a twin that they could get their hands on 😅 Well, less famous, but no less cute. For example, none of us would refuse an exact copy of Kerem Bursin. And Burak ozchivit could also be not alone, but complete with a twin brother …

But these are all dreams, although in reality some of the Turkish celebrities can easily not go to the shooting themselves, but send their brother or sister there. Viewers will still hardly distinguish them (if they do at all). And today I offer you a selection of lucky people who can boast of relatives who look like them like two drops of water 😌

Serkan Chayoglu and his brother Erkan

Serkan Chayoglu and his brother Erkan

Let’s start with the birthday. More specifically, birthdays. After all, Serkan’s brother Erkan also celebrates his birthday today. We bet you didn’t even know before that that the star of the series “Cherry Season”, “Kuzey Guney” and “The Ring” has a twin brother? Here, now you know. By the way, Erkan is 6 minutes older than his brother . Many find differences in their appearance: they say that Serkan looks more like a mother, and Erkan looks like a father. As for me, they are, first of all, similar to each other, although at first glance this may not be seen. Not much is known about Erkan, but he is definitely not an actor or a model 😉

Bensu Soral and her brother Bedirkhan

Bensu Soral and her brother Bedirkhan

At first glance, there are not many similarities between Bensu and her brother Bedirkhan, after all they are twins. But still, common features are definitely traced, especially in contrast with the appearance of their sister. Both were born on March 23, 1991. And while the girl is building a successful career as an actress, her brother has a real flowering in his blogging career. Although at first he also tried to become an actor, but something did not work out. The guy starred in two projects, and then abandoned this idea and went to conquer other peaks 😌

Serjan Badur and his twin brother Caner

Serjan Badur and his twin brother Caner

But these two guys are just one person. The older twin brother of Serjan Badur is far from show business, but he does not get tired of supporting his brother. The actor himself spoke of him in an interview as follows: “There is a difference of one minute between us. He was born before me. It’s good that he exists, he’s an integral part of me” 💖 Serjan has already starred in 11 projects, among which the most famous are the series “First and Last”, “War of the Roses” and “Priceless Time”. I think that the actor is still waiting for success. And, if anything, he has an equally cute understudy 😅

Hazal Filiz Küçukköse and her twin sister Deniz

Hazal Filiz Küçukköse and her twin sister Deniz

Hazal Filiz Kyuchukkose and her sister Deniz are also like two drops of water. Fans can’t even distinguish their favorite from her sister when she publishes joint photos with her. Not surprisingly, I would not have coped with this task either, especially when I see double from beauty. You will definitely remember Hazal from her role in the TV series Black Love. Behind the actress’s back are roles in the projects “Cold”, “Conqueror” and “Fairy Tale”. But the twin sister Denise leads a more closed life, so it is impossible to find out what she is doing. However, we can say with confidence that the girl is definitely not an actress 🤔

Idil Sivritepe and her twin sister Pinar

Idil Sivritepe and her twin sister Pinar

Idil and Pinar are twins who were born on February 26, 1990 . Idil Sivritepe chose an acting career, so she gained fame in Turkey. Yes, and to Russian viewers, she is well known for her roles in the series “Smell of Strawberries”, “Istanbul Bride” and “Recipe for Love”. But her sister Pynar does not like to be in the spotlight, so there is practically no information about her on the Web 😌

Oykyu Karael and her twin sister Ezge

Oykyu Karael and her twin sister Ezge

And one more sweet couple closes our selection. Sisters Oykyu and Ezgi Karael are twins who are not distinguished from each other by fans of the actress. Oykyu is a famous Turkish actress who became popular after filming in the TV series “The Magnificent Century. Kesem”, “Dirty Money and Love”, Kuzey Güney”, “Dust”, “Heartbeat” and “The Game of My Destiny”. And her sister Ezge Karael studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Marmara, so she is a fashion designer by profession. The girl doesn’t really like attention from the media and her sister’s fans, so when Oikyu fans come up to her to take a picture, she often refuses, saying that she is a different person 😅

One response to “Doubler included: 6 Turkish stars who have twins and twins”

  1. […] can be considered one of the most anticipated projects of the summer of 2023. This is because the star “Knock on My Door” has not appeared on the screens for a long time, which means that the […]

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