Rocket with radar satellite “Kondor-FKA” launched from Vostochny

The Soyuz-2.1a rocket with the Kondor-FKA radar satellite was launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome, RIA Novosti correspondent reports. Nine minutes after the launch, the Fregat upper stage with the satellite separated from the third stage of the rocket. He will turn on his main engine twice and by 1.20 Moscow time he must deliver the satellite to the calculated point into orbit.

“Kondor-FKA” due to radar equipment is able to conduct round-the-clock all-weather observation of the Earth’s surface in medium and high resolutions. The mass of the device is 1050 kilograms, and the height of its circumpolar orbit is from 500 to 550 kilometers.

The satellite can take up to 100 images of the Earth’s surface per day. It is needed to solve agricultural problems and monitor the consequences of man-made and suitable emergencies, as well as monitoring the ice situation on the Northern Sea Route. The launch of the second Condor-FKA, as previously reported by the developers, is scheduled for June 8, 2024.

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