Scale on pots, 6 effective techniques to remove calcium Deposit

New dishes and pots are pleasing with cleanliness, but over time spots, stains appear on it (Calcium deposit), and if there is hard water in the house, then also scum. It is not only unpleasant to look at, but also unsafe for health. There are several ways to get rid of dishes from this sediment: the most effective are using folk remedies. It will be useful for all housewives to know how to clean the pan from scale at home.

What might be needed?

Scale is a sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the pan (stainless or any other metal) due to the regular use of hard water. Such water contains many ions of potassium, magnesium and other metals. When it is heated, chemical elements undergo transformation reactions, resulting in carbon dioxide being released and precipitation. With each boiling, its layer becomes thicker. Also, scale can form on the walls and bottom of the pan if the milk is burnt in it.

Scale can destroy inside and outside the walls of aluminum, Teflon, zinc, iron, cast iron, enameled dishes or stainless steel pots. The walls of the dishes become thinner, and even when using a pan with scale, substances that harm health enter the body.

Scale on pots,  6 effective techniques to remove calcium Deposit

For stainless pot and other descaling, methods the following substances are used:

  • potato peelings;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • pickles from conservation;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • citric acid.

There are also special strong chemical agents that act quickly, they are used strictly according to the instructions. With the help of such substances, scale can often be removed even in one application.
How to remove scale in a saucepan?

The main thing when working with any sediment removal tool is to follow the instructions. Do not keep the cleaning compound inside the dishes for too long, otherwise not only the scale itself, but also the inner layer of the walls of the pan may collapse. We are talking about materials such as aluminum, steel, cast iron, enamel or stainless steel.


A penny product is available in any kitchen. Pour water into a saucepan in need of cleaning to the level of scale and add half a cup of 9% vinegar. Let the mixture boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil so that the scale dissolves. Then you need to drain the liquid and thoroughly clean the dishes with salt.
Carbonated drink

Coca-Cola or other soda can remove even a dense layer of lime. Pour them into a saucepan, boil and leave to soak for 10-12 hours. Drain the liquid, clean the dishes until they shine. If the pot is white or light, it is better to use a transparent drink, otherwise the walls may turn red.

Potato peelings

The way our mothers and grandmothers cleaned the pots. Peel potatoes or peel apples, rinse, pour water and boil over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. The method may not be effective enough to descale the first time, so repeat the procedure with fresh cleanings.

Baking soda

Baking soda
Close-up of baking soda in a glass jar. Bicarbonate of soda.

Soda powder easily copes with lime deposits. Dilute 100 g of soda in a liter of water, pour the solution into a saucepan and boil for half an hour. Pour out the liquid, clean the dishes with a hard brush or sponge with soap, rinse. It is not necessary to clean the pan again after that.

Citric acid

If desired, it can be replaced with lemon juice. Put water in a saucepan, add 20 g of citric acid or juice per liter, let the liquid boil. Stand on low heat for half an hour, drain the solution and rinse the dishes. If the scale still remains, repeat the procedure.


A popular product that is also in the kitchen of any housewife. Cucumber or tomato pickle is suitable. Fill a saucepan with it and leave it for a day. After the specified time, rinse the container.

Any of the ways presented, how to clean the pan from scale yourself, is good. But it is better to use measures to prevent plaque formation than to remove it. Do not let the pots burn, rinse the containers thoroughly after use, try not to boil hard water in them. Keep the dishes clean and keep your health.

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How to clean and wash inside and outside?

It is possible to wash dishes made of stainless alloys with both special and home remedies. To clean it, gels based on:

  • alkalis,
  • Surfactants,
  • soaps,
  • natural and synthetic abrasives.

Special preparations

When choosing household chemicals, you need to focus on the composition, reviews and recommendations of the cookware manufacturer. The list of the most effective means for cleaning stainless steel includes:

Help Stainless steel — the washing liquid contains orthophosphoric and citric acid, sodium chloride and surfactants (surfactants). The product is suitable for cleaning:

chrome and nickel-plated cookware.

Bagi Metal Cleaner

Bagi Metal Cleaner

The detergent is suitable for removing stains, scale and complex contaminants from stainless steels, non-ferrous and precious metals. The main components of the liquid are surfactants, solvents and ammonia. The cost is from 480 rubles. for 350 ml. Read reviews here and here.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies do not contain toxic substances and are considered safer. They are prepared from household soap, vinegar, mustard, soda, etc.
Soda and salt

Soda and salt help to wash stainless steel from fresh carbon deposits, dried fat and traces of water. To wash the surface, you need to put 1-2 tsp of soda powder on it, add a pinch of soda and rub with a damp sponge.

To soften the old soot, you need to fill a frying pan or saucepan with water, boil it, and then pour a few teaspoons of soda and salt.

Household soap

Household soap

From grated household soap, home remedies for washing dishes are prepared. They are well washed off the surface and do not affect the corrosion resistance of stainless steel. To improve the washing properties of the soap gel, natural abrasives are added to it: soda, activated carbon, ground coffee, etc.

To remove carbon from pots and pans, boil them with a mixture of soda, soap, glue and water (1:1:1:25).
Mustard powder


A 10% solution of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia) is used to remove complex and long-standing impurities. How to use the tool:

add 10-15 drops of hydroxide to 1 liter of water, wipe the dishes with the prepared solution;
pour 1 tablespoon of the substance into 200 ml of gel based on household soap, apply to stains, soot and dried fat.

After applying ammonia, rinse the dishes thoroughly. Some sources give erroneous information that ammonia agents cause corrosion of stainless steel. However, only ammonia (ammonium chloride) can cause damage to dishes, but not caustic ammonia, also called ammonia.

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What can not be done?

When trying to remove carbon deposits with the help of a more active metal, galvanic vapors are formed on the surface, which eventually lead to rusting of the base metal.

  • Use concentrated acids. Food grade stainless steel (AISI304, 12X18H10, 10X18H10T alloys, etc.) is quite resistant to the action of nitric acid, as well as most organic and dilute mineral acids. However, when hydrochloric, hydrofluoric or sulfuric acid is applied, the metal is destroyed. Concentrated formic acid and acetate acid are also dangerous for these alloys.
  • Use chlorine-based products. Sodium hypochlorite (bleach, “Whiteness”, etc.) is used to remove dense carbon deposits at the bottom of dishes, as well as for disinfection. Its regular impact on food grade steel leads to the appearance of rust stains, pitting corrosion and even through holes.
  • Use melamine sponges. Foamed melamine is a good abrasive, but because of its harmful effect on health, they are forbidden to wash surfaces that come into contact with food. For the inside of pots and pans, as well as cutlery, a safer means should be chosen. A melamine sponge can be left to clean the carbon deposits from the bottom and sides of the containers.
  • Soak the dishes for a long time. Inexpensive pots and cutlery can be made of an alloy with an uneven distribution of chemical elements. Also, mistakes can be made in the manufacturing process of each item. This leads to pitting or zonal corrosion of the metal, despite the fact that classic stainless steels are insensitive to the action of fresh water.

If only the coating is stainless for the dishes, then it cannot be cleaned with hard metal scrapers and abrasive powders.

Mechanical damage to the upper layer leads to the following consequences:

  • boiling and burning of food;
  • loss of gloss of the bottom and walls;
  • intensive oxidation of the base metal in places of scratches and holes (the presence of an inactive coating around the defect accelerates the formation of rust).

When cleaning pots and pans with coatings, it is forbidden to remove carbon deposits with a knife, mix the contents of containers with a metal spoon and a spatula.

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