Green Life Proposes a project on Effective Organic Waste management using BSFL to ensure Eco-friendly environment

This article is about a new project on Effective Organic Waste management using BSFL to ensure Eco-friendly environment proposed by Green Life Initiatives

About Company

This is a company that look forward to the effective management of food waste to reduce/prevent the release of green house gases (CH4, NH3, CO etc) and control carbon footprint through the construction of waste management system and through training of people on how to manage their food waste using the system.

About Project

World population could hit 10 billion by 2050. This means that the world will face the problem of high food demand and the extensive production of organic waste. Meanwhile Organic waste has been reported to generate high amount of Methane and other greenhouse gases by different academic researchers. This will definitely bring about climatic instability.

After a thorough brainstorm of a possible and effective ways to solve this problem, the efficient organic waste management using Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) is the answer. Therefore this project will encompass the development and mass production of waste management system for households (small size) and for companies (bigger size).

The main aim of the project is to ensure accessible, easy to operate waste management system by household in order to reduce the production of climate unfriendly gasses. The beauty of this project is that, it will not only solve climatic problem, but will also contribute largely to food security because the BSFL can be used for animal feed at the end of waste reduction and the residue can be used as compost for agricultural purposes.

Financial Breakdown
Domain name = $10
Hosting (3 years) = $90

Domain + Hosting Set Up = $40
BSFL procurement = $15
Waste Management System construction (5 systems) = $600

Protective equipment (Rubber gloves, coats, sanitizer, etc.) = $235
Training Miscellaneous = $100
Advertisement = $50
Mobilization = $100

Total = $1240

Standard Disclaimer: The numbers represented above are estimates. The above cost summary, doesn’t constitute a warranty of final pricing. Esti,ates are subject to change if the project specification or terms are changed in any way


The Domain will be integrated and the Vision will be set, to attract potential trainees. After which they will be registered in a database for record sake and future usage. The Waste Management System will be sent to construction company with our specifications. The BSFL will be purchased and waste will be collected and the registered trainees will be trained. The Waste management system will be graded due to efficiency for adoption into homes and organizations.

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